These are set and enforced by the moderators.
First and most important rules: Don't be excessively annoying. Don't get annoyed too easily
We want this to be a harassment-free environment, regardless of gender, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, disability or whatever other personal situation. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate.
This is a JVM related technologies mastodon server. As such, it should be useful for developers using that platform and ideally it should be used to talk about our beloved programming language (Java, Kotlin, Scala, Groovy... you name it).
Of course, we can also socialize and talk about other topics, and it's ok. But if you plan to use mastodon ONLY for other topics, there are a lot of better servers for you out there.
This service is maintained by volunteers. If you find it useful, please consider any financial funding. You can colaborate and see where the money goes at .